Broader Horizons at Oasis Community Learning

Oasis Community Learning recently put into action a project that would grant every student and teacher at its 52 academies a device of their own to enhance learning and unlock new opportunities in the classroom.


30,000 iPads have now been deployed to Oasis academies throughout the UK. This is part of a nine year project which has been coined the Horizons Project. It aims to provide equitability in the classroom – and with the help of Apple authorised Education Specialist, Sync, they are already showing promising results. iPad has been deployed throughout the entire Trust on a 1:1 basis – meaning that there is an iPad for every student and teacher across the Trust. This has had a huge impact on pupils and educators alike.


The Vision

John Murphy, CEO of Oasis Community Learning Trust, proudly launched Oasis Horizons saying that the aim of the project was to “unite education and services together,” as well as enhancing students’ learning in a way “that broadens their horizons.”


New Horizons

With the iPad being deployed on a 1:1 basis, the impact of the devices has been unmistakable, even this early on in the nine year project. This was made especially clear during the pandemic. As John Murphy describes, “our standards for the end of Key Stage Two are going to be higher now than they were in 2019 because the children haven’t lost that learning.” Children could work from home as a direct result of having access to their iPad, and subsequently, John Murphy believes OCL “will overcome the recovery of education now better than many other organisations.”


Working with Sync

Sync have been working with Oasis Community Learning on this project since February 2020. Sync’s Head of Sales, Tom Crump, said, “the ground-breaking Oasis Horizons project was the first deployment in England where iPad has been adopted at this scale – with one device per staff and pupil being provided to 52 academies. This has been a blueprint for a lot of other Trusts across the UK that are looking at creating a similar learning environment”.


Sync and OCL have worked together to formulate the perfect solution that would uphold the vision of the Horizons project whilst forming a sustainable plan for the whole nine years.


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